1. Creating Organisations & Sites
Organisations and sites are effectively the company or companies that your organisation engages with. Organisations refer to the company...
1. Creating Organisations & Sites
2. Creating a Resource
3. Linking a Resource to a Site
4. Viewing External Resources
5. Correspondence, Projects, Team sections
6. Viewing Internal Resources (Staff)
7. Projects View for Internal Staff
8. Viewing Organisations & Sites
9. Creating New Projects (Video)
10. Creating New Projects Part 2
11. Copy a Project
12 Adding a Resource to a Project (Video)
13. Adding and Deleting Roles to existing Resources (Video)
14. Creating the Revenue Estimate (Video)
15. Creating contract deliverables (Video)
16. Create a bottom-up Estimate
17. Effort based estimates as lump sums
18. Dates and Time sheeting
19. Importing contract deliverables – from Excel
20. Track Revenue Performance (Video)